Why Enroll at La Mesa-Spring Valley Schools?

Welcome to La Mesa-Spring Valley Schools, where we have unique and dynamic programs and instructional pathways to engage and inspire all children! La Mesa-Spring Valley Schools is proud to serve our students and families with caring teachers and staff members and innovative instruction.

In addition to robust and caring neighborhood schools with award-winning teachers and programs, La Mesa-Spring Valley Schools is also proud to offer academies with specialty programs to enhance each child’s strengths and unique interests. Learn about our all of our enrollment options below.

Enroll Now Find Your School Location District Boundary Map About Middle School Academies

Enrolling Your Child in School

To enroll your child, please click the “Enroll Now” button above. You may enroll anytime after February 1 for the upcoming school year. Proof of legal age is required for children entering kindergarten (or first grade if the child is not attending kindergarten). Contact the school or Student Supports for more specific information.   

Items needed to upload to the online registration:

  • Original birth certificate, passport, or hospital certificate
  • Original immunization records
  • Two proofs of residence (utility bill, driver’s license, DMV Personal Identification Card, deed to a home or closing escrow papers, copy of receipt of current San Diego County property tax bill, rental agreement including registered owner and renter’s signatures, military housing orders, or correspondence from a government agency) You may request a paper copy of the Housing Questionnaire from your school or district office.

Click the headings below for more information about enrollment and transfers:

Kindergarten & TK

For the 2024-25 school year, Transitional Kindergarten (TK) classrooms will be located on every elementary school campus. Please check your school of residence before you enroll, and you may apply for an Intra-district or Inter-district transfer if you wish to attend a school other than your school of residence.

Middle School Academies

Academies serve as designated middle schools of residence for students in grades 6-8. Transfers will be approved based on space availability at each site. Students in grades 6-8 for whom the academy is their school of residence, and who apply during the open enrollment period, will be given priority placement. For more information about our middle school academies: English | Spanish

Transfers & Open Enrollment

Find Your School Location District Boundary Map

Open enrollment is available to pupils whose parents or guardians currently reside within District attendance areas and to pupils who have otherwise established residence pursuant to provisions of Education Code 48204 or 48209. This policy allows parents to select the District school they wish their child to attend regardless of their school of residency. Requests for admission are based on a random, unbiased selection process and space availability. See our School Transfers FAQ here: English | Spanish

Applications for transfers for all school sites will be accepted between December 2, 2024 and February 17, 2025. All applications received during the open enrollment window (December 2, 2024 to February 17, 2025) will be eligible for first consideration of placement based on the priorities specified in board policy. Requests made after February 17, 2025, shall be processed in the order they are received. Your child must enroll and attend the school of residence for the 2025-2026 school year until a transfer application is approved. Failure to do so may result in your child being considered truant.  Transfer status will be sent to you via email.

If your student is moving from elementary school to middle school in our district and is currently on a transfer, you must complete a new transfer to attend a middle school if the middle school you are requesting to attend is not their school of residence. All students who reside outside of LMSV’s boundaries must complete a new transfer request for middle school. 

INTRA-DISTRICT TRANSFERS – For students that live within the La Mesa-Spring Valley School District boundaries.

The La Mesa-Spring Valley School District offers students the option of attending a school other than their designated school of residency. The district’s intra-district attendance policy allows parents/guardians of children residing within the district the opportunity to select the school they wish their child to attend, pending space availability. Use this form to submit your intra-district transfer application online:

Intra-District Transfer Application English | Spanish

INTER-DISTRICT TRANSFERS – For students that live outside the La Mesa-Spring Valley School District boundaries.

Inter-district transfer applications must be submitted via email to transfers@lmsvschools.org or in person at 4750 Date Ave in La Mesa. Transfer applications will be available at your district of residence (and are linked below) and must be completed and signed by your home district before you can submit a transfer to La Mesa-Spring Valley. Requests will be approved if the reason for the request is within the regulations outlined on the reverse of the transfer form and as long as space is available at the requested school.

Inter-District Transfer Application (PDF)English | Spanish

San Diego Unified and Chula Vista Elementary School District Transfers – If you reside in SDUSD or Chula Vista Elementary boundaries, please note they are not signing transfers until after our enrollment period closes. In the interim, you may apply to LMSV using a transfer placeholder. Please fill out the interdistrict transfer form with parent/guardian and student information and email a copy to transfers@lmsvsd.net. Once your home district begins signing transfer requests, it will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian to contact them to obtain the final signed copy of the transfer. This signed document must be emailed to transfers@lmsvsd.net. Should LMSV not receive the signed copy by April 30, 2025, the transfer may be canceled. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our Student Supports Department at (619) 668-5700 or send us an email at transfers@lmsvschools.org

You'll Love It Here!

  • Award-Winning, Tuition-Free Neighborhood Schools
  • All-Day Kindergarten Offered at all Schools
  • Engaging Before and After School Care Offered at all Schools
  • Exemplary Staff Dedicated to Educating, Supporting, and Nurturing ALL Children
  • Innovative Educational Programs and Academies Including:
    • Arts and Music Education
    • Spanish Language Immersion
    • Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics (STEAM)
  • World-Class Physical Education Facilities

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District Spotlight

Spotlight on Sweetwater Springs Elementary

Check out our latest Spotlight Story showcasing what makes Sweetwater Springs Elementary so special!


Spotlight on Rolando Elementary

Check out our latest Spotlight Story showcasing what makes Rolando Elementary so special!


Spotlight on Northmont Elementary

Check out our latest Spotlight Story showcasing what makes Northmont Elementary so special!
