Below you will find links to our Uniform Policy and Parent Handbook.
School begins with distance learning on Thursday, August 27!
Our teachers are working hard to ensure each and every student receives an engaging and robust learning experience as we begin our year with distance learning on August 27. As a reminder, if you have not yet returned the iPad or Chromebook loaned to you in April, please return it to the district office, or our school office, as soon as possible. We need to update these devices so they are ready to go for the new school year. Information will be shared soon regarding redistribution of learning devices for the upcoming school year.
Register for the 2020-2021 school year
If you would like to register a student, you may do so online at and click on the Enroll Today link. If you have difficulties with online enrollment, you may register in person on August 13th in the Bancroft school office.
If you have questions regarding your transfer status, please call the La Mesa – Spring Valley District Office at 619-668-5700.