Our LMSVSD Child Nutrition Department provides a daily afternoon snack for your child after school in ESS. All foods on the snack menu must meet specific guidelines by the USDA. The foods listed on the snack menus are specially developed for School Food Programs so they can meet these USDA guidelines and also the California State Guidelines, which is no trans fat. These foods are not the same types of foods you would buy in a retail store. More and more manufacturers are working tirelessly to make items to help us meet the requirements as well as meet the strong demand from Child Nutrition Directors and parents to have healthier items to serve. The Brownie is a low fat brownie made with applesauce and cocoa. All cookies are whole grain with no trans fat as well. The chips are baked and reduced fat.
The ESS Snack menu is available for viewing on the ESS Parent Information Board at your child’s ESS school site.
Menus are also posted to this website monthly (see link below). If you have questions regarding ESS snack, please see your Site Lead.
For meal information please visit https://www.lmsvschools.org/meals/.