Terms of Service

Please be advised that by enrolling in the Extended Student Services (ESS) Program, you are confirming that you have read, understand, and agree to the following terms of service:

  • There is an annual registration fee of $40 to register one student, and $60 to register two or more students. This fee is non-refundable and will be automatically processed upon approval of your contract (with the exception of homeless, foster youth, and socioeconomically disadvantaged).
  • Fees for paying families is based on a flat rate fee, not actual attendance, and is invoiced on a bi-weekly basis. Payment due dates are every other Monday and must be prepaid one week in advance. Fees are non-refundable and rates are subject to change. ESS reserves the right to deny service for non-payment.
  • Payments may not be left at the site or given to the ESS site staff. Only the ESS department at the La Mesa-Spring Valley district office may accept payments.
  • Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer break programs are optional and require a separate registration.
  • Students will not be allowed to begin ESS services until the registration process has been completed and payment has been received by the due date.
  • There is a $10.00 late fee for payments not received by the invoice due date. Late fees are to be paid with the next scheduled payment.
  • Continuous non-payment is cause for cancellation of ESS services. For accounts not paid by 4:30 pm on the Friday before the first day of the service week, student may not be admitted to ESS. For students that come to ESS and the account has not been paid, they may be taken to the school office and parents/guardians will be contacted to pick up the student. Unpaid balances could be transferred to an outside collection agency.
  • When an account is sent to an outside collection agency, a $25.00 fee will be added to your account. The account must be cleared up with the collection agency and the ESS department before resuming ESS services, including breaks.
  • Checks or e-checks returned by the bank for any reason (i.e. non-sufficient funds, account closed, etc.) must be replaced immediately with a cash, credit card, or money order payment. A $25.00 returned check fee will be charged to the account.
  • Picking up a student from ESS any time after 6:00 pm, according to the parent signature iPad, is considered a late pick-up and a charge will be assessed to the account. The late pick up fee will be due on the accounts next payment due date (with the exception of homeless, foster, and/or families documented as socioeconomically disadvantaged.
  • ESS is a voluntary use program.  ESS is not a drop in service.  Account holders must provide a two week notice prior to any of the following:
    • Changing schedules (AM to PM, PM to AM and PM, etc.)
    • Vacation request (up to two weeks non-participation per school year is permitted at no charge)
    • Withdrawing student from the program

If a two week notice is not provided, accounts will be charged corresponding fees according to the accounts selected schedule.

  • Students who are registered for ESS services but do not attend the program for two consecutive weeks, account holders will be sent a DROP NOTICE. The drop notice will inform the account holder that services will be terminated in two weeks if the student does not utilize the program before the indicated drop date.  Should there be extenuating circumstances (i.e., illness, medical concerns, family emergencies, etc.), account holders must notify ESS District Office personnel. Notifying the site is not sufficient. Upon receipt of your third drop notice, your services will be canceled. Should you want to resume services, you will need to resubmit student contracts and may be subject to placement on a waitlist.
  • For accounts receiving tuition assistance (i.e. ASES Grant Program, Expanded Learning Opportunities Program/ELOP), attendance requirements do apply and must be adhered to.  Attendance will be monitored and for accounts not meeting the attendance requirements as outlined in the Late Arrival and Early Release Policies may be dropped from the tuition assistance program and services will be canceled.

ESS Homework Policies (regular school day):

  • Homework rotation at ESS is 45-minutes in length, 4 days a week, Monday through Thursday, for 1st through 8th grade students.
  • The homework rotation in ESS is not a one-on-one tutoring service, but rather a designated quiet time for students to focus on working towards homework completion.
  • When a student states that they do not have homework, ESS staff will not go through their backpack to look for assigned homework.
  • ESS staff will spot-check answers and provide assistance to students during the homework rotation.
  • The responsibility of reviewing and correcting a student’s homework belongs to the parent/guardian.  ESS does not guarantee homework completion.
  • If a student is not completing or attempting to complete their homework during ESS, please speak with the ESS site leadership.

Ages Accepted

  • The ESS program is open during the school year to students who are enrolled in and attend the La Mesa-Spring Valley Schools TK through eighth grade. Students from other school districts/areas may only attend during break times if space is available. Students enrolled in the La Mesa-Spring Valley School District have priority. Upon successful promotion of the 8th grade, students are not longer eligible for ESS services with La Mesa-Spring Valley. The only exception is for those students that attend ESY (or SLA). These students may access ESS services while attending ESY (or SLA).

Late Pick-Up Policy

  • If you are delayed past 6:00 pm, a late fee will be charged. Late Pick-Up Fee Schedule will be posted at your school site (also see below). This late pick-up fee will be used to help pay staff who must remain after their regular working hours to supervise your child. See the Parent Handbook for more information. Families and students that are identified as homeless, foster youth, and socioeconomically disadvantaged will not be charged late fees; however, suspensions and drops from the program still apply. Students may not walk home from the program to avoid a late pick-up.

Sign In & Out Procedure

  • Parents must sign their students in and out daily. Students may leave the program only with the persons specified as authorized pick-ups.  Expect staff to ask for proper identification until they become familiar with those authorized to pick up your student. Please update emergency contact information regularly so staff can always contact the appropriate persons immediately in case of an emergency.
  • We require that parents walk their student in where staff are located. Please make sure that staff acknowledges your student’s presence before leaving the program site.
  • Students that are bussed to and from the program will be signed in and out by ESS leadership.

Illness & Medication

  • If your child is not feeling well, please do not send him/her to ESS. Students who have been ill must be well, and fever free, for 24 hours before returning to ESS or school. If your child becomes ill or suspected to be contagious, you will be notified to pick him/her up promptly. If your child was sent home from school ill or did not attend school for the day, they may not attend ESS. It is very important that you keep us updated on changes in work, home, cell, and emergency phone numbers. ESS will administer medication (prescription or non-prescription) to students only if an “Authorization for Administration of Medication” form has been completed by a physician and parent. All medication must be in the original container.  

Student Cell Phone Policy

It is our responsibility at Extended Student Services to be sure to follow the school rules and guidelines during program time (school year and breaks).  Please review the guidelines on cell phones with your student. According to Education Code 48901.5, students may not use cell phones during instructional time.  This includes informative time in Extended Student Services before and after hours care.  This means that students are allowed to have cell phones on campus; however, the cell phones must never be visible or used on school grounds, unless an emergency situation occurs.  

If a student violates the above rules, the consequences are as follows:

  • 1st Violation:     Phone taken away and returned to student at the end of the day.
  • 2nd Violation:    Phone taken away and returned to parent upon pick-up.
  • 3rd Violation:    Phone taken away and returned to parent with a meeting scheduled.

Please speak with your Site Lead, and take note of the ESS site phone number for all communications with your child.  Thank you for your support.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up for ESS?

Log on to https://lmsvschools.ce.eleyo.com to create an account. Then you can log in and register a contract for the current school year or upcoming school break program.

Do I need to re-register?

You will not need to create a new online account, however you need to verify your account information and register a new contract to enroll in each new school year and break season.

When is my student able to start?

Your student may commence upon receipt and approval of your online registration, prepayment of fees, and confirmation of space availability in your student’s ESS program.

Can I alter my payment due date?

We are unable to alter payment due dates. Payment due dates are always every other Monday; however, you may pay your bill in advance, at any time.

My student needs to attend only three (3) days each week. Will the fees be prorated? Because my work schedule changes, can I send my student every other week or whenever I need services?

No. Fees are a flat-rate, weekly fee, regardless of how many days/hours your student attends. ESS is not a drop in service.

Where can I find out about the full day program on non-school days?

How do I drop from the program, change the schedule (am, pm, or both), or put my account on hold?

ESS requires two week notice to drop from the program, change the schedule, or put a hold on your account. You can do this by logging in to your Eleyo account or by contacting the ESS Billing Department at the LMSV District Offices: 619-688-3400 or essforms@lmsvschools.org.

I need financial assistance. Can you help me?

Financial assistance is available to those who qualify through San Diego County programs. In order to apply for these programs, please call (800) 521-0560 or visit their website at www.childcaresandiego.com.

To see if your family qualifies for free ESS services through our After School Education and Safety Grant (ASES) or the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P), please contact our billing department at 619-644-3800. ASES Grant and ELOP

What if I pay my fees late?

A $10.00 late payment fee will apply to fees not paid by the invoice due date. If the account is not paid by the time services are rendered, your student may be excluded from the program until the account has been brought current.

What kinds of activities will my student do, what is the adult to child ratio, and what kind of employees do you have?

ESS offers a broad array of programs and activities designed to reinforce and complement the regular academic program, including music, art, sports and recreation, STEM, and performing arts. Our programs offer homework and academic support. Our ratios are 1:10 (TK/K) 1:17-20 (Elementary) 1:20 (Middle School).

Our employees are carefully screened and fingerprinted and are hired based on a combination of education and experience that demonstrate a strong understanding and sensitivity to the educational and social needs of school age children. Each site has staff who are CPR and First Aid certified.

You'll Love It Here!

  • Award-Winning, Tuition-Free Neighborhood Schools
  • All-Day Kindergarten Offered at all Schools
  • Engaging Before and After School Care Offered at all Schools
  • Exemplary Staff Dedicated to Educating, Supporting, and Nurturing ALL Children
  • Innovative Educational Programs and Academies Including:
    • Arts and Music Education
    • Spanish Language Immersion
    • Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics (STEAM)
  • World-Class Physical Education Facilities

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